One poster down, five more to go.

I think my a.a.d.d is starting to get under control. I've just finished this commissioned piece for a musician friend of mine, Karl Mohr. I'll be sure to put up a link to his website down where the others are at the bottom of the page.

Artist A.D.D

Okay, so I have these spouts where I am so unorganized and all over the place and it seems like I have a.d.d, and right now I'm kind of in one of those places. After the ashcan was done I didn't really have any structured projects to get done right away that had deadlines. So I started working on the projects I wanted to do and picked up a couple side jobs as well. Anyways, to make a long story short, this is a poster for a good friend of mine Karl Mohr. He's a musician, based in Toronto, look him up on myspace. This is a gig poster I'm working on for him.

So yeah, I'm doing that Gorillaz poster (my own amusement), Karl Mohrs poster(paidwork), Cd cover (paidwork) and I have started Zombies On A Plane once again, except now its turned into a full on story, with the plane only being the introduction to the story.

Plastic Beach

Today's work brought to you today by the letter G.

Started painting today, so far the only thing I'm really really liking about what I have down is the plastic beach. But I'm seeing more and more come together as I work with it.

Decided to put a copy of the tracing paper over the colour, didn't turn out that great though. Can barely see the colour, oh well. It's there if you look.

Welcome to the World of the Plastic Beach

So, like I said last entry, I love the Gorillaz, and this here is my first poster of many to come, because they're just so damn fun to draw! I'm going to be painting this, though I'm not exactly decided on what medium I'll be using.


So I've decided to get back to working on what I had originally planned on doing for FanExpo and that is posters.

The First one is of the movie Defendor with Woody Harrelson. I really enjoyed the movie, half because it was well written and half because it was all based in Hamilton. The city was called the Hammer, it was filmed in Hamilton. Love it.

Second one is what I'm wanting to do eventually when I can be more focused. Zombieland Kills of the Week. Except instead of using any cast members for characters in the posters it would just be whoever I wanted. Or I was thinking of having people sending in request for that week and I go through and choose the best one and if the person wants to be in the picture killing the zombie than thats cool too.

And the third is of the Gorillaz, one of my favourite bands. Ever since they came out when I was in grade 7 or 8, I remember not doing my work in class and drawing 2D because I thought the idea of a cartoon music group was amazing. I mean it's been done with Josey and the Pussy Cats and plenty other cartoons with the lead characters as musicians. But an actual group that performed and everything in real life...but they're cartoons, blew me away. So I've always wanted to draw a poster of these guys.

Once I have these posters finished and painted/coloured they will be on sale for prints. I'll update more when the time comes.

Big...but not so Sexy.

Well, got some disappointing news, mostly for myself. Might not be able to go to FanExpo or have my ashcan printed due to money. It happens, and I'm not pissed about the outcome, just disappointed.

I was told to put the other project on hold as well, until money starts coming in.

If I'm not at the Big Sexy Table at FanExpo, I'll be there handing my portfolio out to everyone. And I might even try to set up my own little station just outside of the Convention Center and see if I can get prints of some things done before than to sell. Either that, or I'll hide them throughout the Convention and it'll be like an easter egg hunt.